
Equality for Peace and Development Organization

Equality for Peace and Development Organization is non-profit organisation who work to empower young people in Afghanistan. Together, we work on our Afghan Solidarity Fund joint initiative, a version of the Local Action Fund co-designed with EPDO to support grassroots civil society in Afghanistan.
Promoting awareness and fostering dialogue regarding establishing a women's market to bolster economic growth and support the entrepreneurial resilience of women in Kunduz province.

Empowering Afghan Women: The Humanitarian Impact of LAF 1.0 Project

In the aftermath of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, the humanitarian crisis in the country reached unprecedented levels. The imposition of restrictions on women's employment and education exacerbated the plight of female breadwinners. Following these restrictions, countless women found themselves unemployed, struggling to provide for their families' basic needs. Many resorted to selling household possessions to make ends meet amidst the dire circumstances. 

In alignment with its foundational principle of women's empowerment, EPDO, supported by Peace Direct, implemented the Local Action Fund 1.0 project. As part of this initiative, EPDO extended humanitarian aid to female-headed households across five provinces. This assistance, comprising multi-purpose cash, food provisions, and non-food items, reached a total of 200 women, enhancing their resilience and well-being.

Ms. Salima Haidari, residing in Bamyan, Afghanistan, is a mother of two daughters. Her husband passed away several years ago, leaving her in a position of financial strain. Despite her relentless efforts, she has been unable to secure employment to provide for herself and her children.

"Despite enduring numerous hardships, I've found moments of happiness to sustain me," shared Salima, "But in late 2021, my seven-year-old daughter, Laila, began exhibiting unusual symptoms in her throat. She used to be full of life, enjoying each day despite its obstacles, but everything took a sudden turn. During our first visit to the doctor, we received the alarming diagnosis of epiglottitis – a condition that obstructs airflow to the lungs and can be fatal."

"It was an immense challenge for me when I was already struggling to provide food for my family, and then I received the devastating news of my daughter's life-threatening illness," expressed Salima. She continued, "I took her to the hospital several times hoping for a cure, but my financial situation hindered any success. The doctor informed me that surgery was necessary, but it could only be conducted in Kabul."

With the multi-purpose cash we provided to Salima, she had her daughter undergo surgery. “Thanks to the financial assistance provided through the project, my daughter was able to undergo surgery for her life-threatening illness, and I am overjoyed to see her healthy and smiling once again” expressed Salima. 

Through the LAF project, two determined widows from Nangarhar province, supported by its humanitarian aid program, overcame financial obstacles and made life-changing decisions. One established a small convenience shop, earning 500 AFA daily. The other bought a food wagon cart for her jobless son, who now earns 100 to 200 AFA daily. They are thrilled with their choices and aim to expand their businesses, empower more women in society, and create opportunities for others.

The humanitarian component of LAF provided crucial support to 200 vulnerable women, many of whom were sole providers for their families and facing severe financial hardship. By offering both immediate relief and avenues for long-term economic empowerment, a cycle of positive change was initiated, enriching lives and strengthening communities

Discover more about our work on our website:

Providing vocational tailoring training specifically tailored for women in Nangarhar province.

Conducting an awareness session on Conflict Resolution as part of the LAF 1.0 project for Civil Society Organizations and the Provincial Women's Network in Kunduz province.

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