

Justapaz seeks to promote non-violence through concrete programmes that contribute towards Colombia’s transformation into a just and sustainable peace. Since its establishment in 1990, Justapaz has worked to promote non-violence, peacebuilding and the positive transformation of conflict. It has developed a broad range of initiatives in training, organisation and action for conflict transformation at local, regional, national, and international levels.

NIÑOS POR LA PAZ (CHILDREN FOR PEACE) is a peace initiative that has been developed by the leaders of the Buenos Aires neighbourhood in the municipality of Condoto, in the department of Chocó, for more than 20 years. 

The population of Buenos Aires has been a victim of the armed conflict. The armed groups interrupt the tranquillity of the inhabitants and violate the right to a dignified life and the healthy development of its population, especially children, adolescents and young people. 

With the support of Peace Direct and JustaPaz, the leaders worked with children, adolescents and young people, mothers and victims of the conflict under two guiding lines: a safe environment for children and empowerment of women with the aim of having a horizontal impact on the family nucleus, based on the prevention of forced recruitment and not the consumption of psychoactive substances and drug addiction.

Today they have a playful, recreational and artistic space where children and adolescents can feel safe and protected, working with handicrafts from reusable materials and through dance and theatre, they have expressed their rejection of all forms of violence. Mothers have moved away from play and have set an example of commitment for their children, and have learned to create dolls and decorative items for the house with materials.

From an organisational point of view, the women have also managed to strengthen the autonomy of their organisational processes, establishing themselves as an association of women leaders in their municipality.

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