
Swaadna Al Souriya

Swaadna Al Souriya Organization (SAO) is an organisation in Syria, established in 2014, and focused on supporting children, women, and poor families. SAO is active in 4 humanitarian sectors: Education, Protection, Food security, and Women Empowerment.
Children sharing their drawings during a Psychosocial and Social Support Session.

Swaadna Al Souriya Organization focuses on supporting children affected by the Syrian conflict to return to school, which reduces their vulnerability to recruitment by armed groups or early marriage and provides them with a safe space to recover from the trauma of the conflict. Over six months in 2023, SAO delivered the following activities, alongside several more.

Mohammad and Abdulaziz in Theater Class
Mohammad and Abdulaziz in the theatre class.

Peacebuilding Program: SAO Provided Psychosocial and Social Support (PSS) and a Theatre program to 136 children two times per week. In the PSS sessions, the children could express their identities, work in groups, address their emotions, deal with peers and adults, learn about peace and resolve personal conflicts, and finally plan their future and realise their dreams. In the theatre program, a trainer supported the children in acting plays about their rights (Right to Educate, Right to Food, and Right to Play.

Fatima and Rayan in Math Class.

Educational Courses: providing catch-up classes for 136 children, 516 Arabic lessons, 477 English lessons, 517 Math lessons, and 261 My Environment lessons.  In June 2023, SAO started a Supportive Learning Class for 12 children who have Learning difficulties.98 children passed their exams in the SAO centre and improved their educational levels.

Emad receiving his stationery kit.

Distributing Educational Supplies: In June 2023, we distributed 136 stationery kits to 136 children in the centre. In August 2023, we distributed 127 clothes kits to 127 children in the centre. From June to October 2023, SAO also provided daily meals to the children in the centre. 

 Amal in literacy class.

Class for Parents: In June, SAO started a literacy class with 19 mothers to improve the mothers’ educational skills to enable them to support their children in school. 11 mothers ended the course and learned the principles of reading and writing in Arabic and math. Amal, pictured above, said: I hope all women learn reading and writing, even if they are 50 or 60 years old, we can do that. Before I couldn’t read anything, now I could read the pharmacy banner, the streets’ names, now I walk and read everything."

They also provided parental skills training to 24 mothers. The training’s topics were: communication skills, behaviour modification, violence against children, sexual growth and sexual harassment, educational activities with children, and children’s peers.

Maryam said “I told my husband about protecting children from harassment session, then he explained to our children about sensitive areas in their bodies and how to protect themselves”.

Finally, they provided opportunities for mothers to support each other. 7 parental meetings with 73 mothers were held at the centre, where the mothers their children’s educational situations and the difficulties they faced.

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Other partners in 2023: